Mumbo Jumbo.....and it's Profound Impact.

Have you ever been reading the Bible and come across a part that makes no sense? Like when it lists all those names, places, etc.....

Well the following passage from the Bible had one of those, for me....

Jeremiah 2:18
18.Now why go to Egypt to drink water from the Shihor ? And why go to Assyria to drink water from the River ?

When I first read this, I had no idea what the Shihor was, and had very little interest.

The Shihor is a heavily debated topic, but it is either a stream that serves as the border of Egypt and Jerusalem, or it is the Nile itself, which served as the border for Egypy and Jerusalem.

Now, knowing that, let's look at this scripture again....

18. Now why go to Egypt to drink water from the Shihor ? And why go to Assyria to drink water from the River ? (The red letters in know way indicate Jesus said this...)

The issue that God had with the Isrealites at this time was that they had little-to-no concern about their relationship with Him; they were complacent. Their hearts were so full of "other things" that they had little need for God.

So what is the relevance of the mention of these two rivers? They Represent Captivity, but it takes it a step further; it presents a truth that is hard to believe about ourselves, but true.

The Isrealites were actually escaping a beautiful relationship with God Himself to go look for what they needed from the very place of their captivity....They had everything!! God was with them daily, and yet they went elsewhere to find their pleasure. Andthat elsewhere was the exact place that held them captive!!!!

Now, before you get judgemental, keep in mind that most of us do the same thing. How many people have totally missed an encounter with God, because they were looking for whatever preconceived notion their religion gave them about what He looks/feels/sounds like? How many of us can emotionally celebrate our team winning the championship game, and look down our noses at "emotional worshipers..."? How many of us run from unhealthy relationship to another? How many of us just need "one more" to enjoy ourselves?

We need to get back to the place where God is the center of our attention and affection. Even when we are living these lives He gave us to live, we need to take pleasure in the fact that we live them to put a smile on His face.

And as this "nonsense of a scripture" teaches us, we need to avoid taking refuge in the place our captivity, and live daily in the freedom that His salvation has provided.


Jeremiah 4:1
1. "If you will return, O Israel, return to me," declares the Lord. "If you put your detestable idols out of my sight and no longer go astray,
2. and if in a truthful, just and righteous way you swear, 'As surely as the LORD lives,' then the nations will be blessed by him and in him they will glory."
3. This is what the LORD says to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem: "Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns.


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