Everyday life....Beautiful!

I watched the movie August Rush the other day, and am greatly impacted by it's lesson.

We live our lives everyday, seeking for something, but rarely do we stop long enough to realize that this "something" is all around us.

In the movie, August's genious started with merely paying attention to the beauty (music) that he found everywhere around him. Others only became aware of that genious when he translated that beauty through music.

In my interpretation of the movie, I believe God to be that music that surrounded August and eventually led him to his parents.

What would happen if we started listening/watching/feeling for the music every minute of every day. Could this be what the scriptures meant by "pray without ceasing"? There is so much beauty to emerse ourselves in and if we could first learn to recognize and enjoy it, and then to translate that to the world around us, we would see that world change for the better.


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