The Blur.....
Sometimes, understanding a principle is easier understood by looking at what can constrain that principle in practice. That said, I wanted to throw out a quick note as to what can turn a path towards being a true worshiper into an uphill climb without the yodel. Jeremiah, Chapter 2 goes into somewhat of a bleak sounding proposition for the Isrealites. You can hear a jealous God asking the questions, "Why have you drifted so far?" He then provides an answer with His following rebuke. He let's them know that they drifted from HIM to themselves. They stopped asking, "Where is our God?" God is mournfully asking, "Why in this world have your hearts lost their love affair with me in exchange for meanless and temporary things?" God, through Jeremiah, speaks of different non-existent God's they were serving, but if you get to the raw bones of this thing, those "God's" were man-made creations that they came up with to nurture their NEED for so...