
Showing posts from July, 2009

Just to be certain.....(clarification from previous post)

I was going back to read my post to make sure that it did not sound clumsy, ambling, and ignorant. I feel I avoided such descriptions, however my current line of thinking drives me provide a clarification on one point. Worship does not "look like" or "sound like" or "smell like" or "seem like" anything. Worship is something that happens beneath the surface. Worship happens in that spiritual place that establishh the symptoms that are what we see, hear, feel.... Too often we define worship by some sort of physical attribute; this is impossible. We have not worshiped more or less because of what we did; we have worshiped at all because of how our spirit recognizes and responds the Spirit of God; the Holy Spirit. So, let's not search for what worship looks like, feels like, or sounds like. Let's look deeper into ourselves to experience God, and Worship will happen; leaving symptoms that are much more natural and genuine.

Genesis - A New Beginning

Okay, so I am giving into the Blogosphere.... When the initial launch team starting conceiving the ideas that now serve as a foundation for "Genesis Church", I had a few things that were really important to me as the Worship Leader. 1. I wanted a Worship Band, not just me standing and leading songs. I wanted a group of people who embraced the idea of creating an environment of true worship; worship in spirit and in truth. I wanted the worship team at our church to be a group of real people, who wanted nothing more than to create a song that blessed God's heart and that led other real people into that same place. 2. I also wanted to make sure that I provided those who attended our church, either for the first time or on a regular basis, with the opportunity to understand the true essence of worship. I feel we (as in Worship Leaders) have done a good job at priming people up to sing a song, clap a hand (dare I say "raise" the aforementioned hand?), and anything el...